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L-Carnitinehas become the ideal supplement to increase the performance of athletes thanks to its traditional properties that convert fatty acids into energy. In this way, it helps you burn fat faster. In addition, it improves resistance and facilitates post-workout recovery.
Mass Gainer is a product aimed especially at all those athletes who are looking to increase their weight effectively and quickly. It is also intended for those who want to build and maintain their muscle mass, and even for all those people who have a high basal energy expenditure.
The ultimate aid for weight loss naturally. The different ingredients of LIPOcut of P&F they act on several sequential levels activating the metabolism burning more fat and maintaining optimal blood sugar levels to control insulin levels, a key factor in preventing fat accumulation.
Desde 2014 todos nuestros productos llegan a todas las disciplinas deportivas desde Fútbol Profesional, Artes Marciales, Oposiciones… y en especial para Culturismo y Fitness.